In this difficult challenge we need to reverse a weird vm.

The challenge

We are given a P.E. file: kaleidoscope.exe and another file: wtf.bin.

When we run run it we are prompted for a password:

PS ~>.\kaleidoscope.exe .\wtf.bin
   __        __    _    __
  / /_____ _/ /__ (_)__/ /__  __________  ___  ___
 /  '_/ _ `/ / -_) / _  / _ \(_-< __/ _ \/ _ \/ -_)
/_/\_\\_,_/_/\__/_/\_,_/\___/___|__/\___/ .__/\__/

Enter the password: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Uhh... no

When we try running it in x64dbg, the program ends without printing or prompting.

Let’s put it in Ghidra

General architecture

The main function extracts a couple strings from wtf.bin and then starts 2 threads.

Thread1: Tiny encryption algorithm

The first thread listens for messages and replies with the encrypted answer.

If we have a look into TEA_encrypt, we’ll see a slightly modified Tiny Encryption Algorithm were the final components are xored.

We can figure out what algorithm is used by having a look at the constants used. In this case: -0x61c88647

In this TEA_encrypt function, we are using 2 global secrets: Secret and k. k was set in the main function as the initial bytes of wtf.bin and Secret was set to 0xbad1dea in ThreadFunction1.

Thread2: interpreter

The second thread is more interesting as it contains the interpreter for our file.

Unfortunately, the interpret function is quite complicated with many nested gotos. It’s interesting to note that the TEA_encrypt function is used (through) the thread messages to decrypt immediates and the instructions’ opcodes.

After a lot of messing around we can figure out State structure:

The program has 16 registers and a couple baked in syscalls.

It’s interesting to note at this point that the VM calls isDebuggerPresent and SetProcessMitigationPolicy (this is called with ProcessDynamicCodePolicy and ProcessSignaturePolicy). These encourage a static analysis of the binary.

We are now able to write our own python interpreter to make sense of this binary.

When writing python interpreters it’s always a good idea to use ctypes to be able to handle shorts and chars properly.


After implementing most of the code in python, we run the script and run into an error.

0x20d   0000x8e0        0xe0    SYSCALL         8       Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ecw\", line 421, in <module>
    interpret_instruction(state, instruction)
  File "ecw\", line 367, in interpret_instruction
    name = syscalls[(syscall & 0xFF)]
IndexError: list index out of range

When doing this syscall the binary overflows… At first I thought I had messed up my implementation but the problem persisted.

If we assume this overflow is by design and take a good look at our structure, we realize that this overflow means the binary is now calling the function at the address pointed by registers 2 and 3. In this case that’s 0x140001F30 which in Ghidra we realize that it’s the function setSecret!!!

The binary exploits a bug in it’s own implementation. We can’t just disassemble wtf.bin as the key that is used to decrypt the instructions gets changed during the execution.

Allowing this bug in our own interpreter we are now able to continue the analysis.

Flag verification routine

The flag bytes are checked 4 by 4:

0x211   00xa12a0        0xa0    MOV 0x0 (imm)                   -> R12

; Here we are taking a chunk of the user's password
0x215   00x801a0        0xa0    MOV 0x7b574345 (prog i)         -> R10
0x21d   0x80900a0       0xa0    MOV R10                         -> R11

; We then compare calculate the modulo
0x221   00x80284        0x84    MOD 0x12a2f (tea)       R10     -> R10
0x229   00x90284        0x84    MOD 0x1d4da (tea)       R11     -> R11
0x231   00x80292        0x92    XOR 0x6a69  (tea)       R10     -> R10
0x239   00x90292        0x92    XOR 0x10a55 (tea)       R11     -> R11

; Finally we check the result
0x241   0x80a0091       0x91    OR      R10     R12             -> R12
0x245   0x90a0091       0x91    OR      R11     R12             -> R12

We take the modulo, then xor the result with two different pairs of numbers.

Conveniently the divisors are co-prime so we can easily calculate the expected value:

p1 = 0x12a2f
p2 = 0x1d4da

r1 = 0x6a69
r2 = 0x10a55

k = ((r2 - r1) * pow(p1, -1, p2)) % p2
result = r1 + k * p1

hex_string = hex(result)[2:]
byte_string = bytes.fromhex(hex_string)
ascii_string = byte_string.decode("ASCII")

Because of little endianness, the result will be reversed.



If you want to check out the complete python script used for this challenge, head to