Learning about aircrack.


The pcap consists of 888 packets using protocol 802.11, noticing Key, Acknowledgement and Authentication packets (and given the title of this challenge), we decide to run it through aircrack.


aircrack needs to be given a word list and rockyou.txt is a great candidate. Indeed, rockyou.txt is a popular compilation of leaked passwords.

$ aircrack-ng -w rockyou.txt savedcap.cap

Opening savedcap.capase wait...
Read 888 packets.

   #  BSSID              ESSID                     Encryption

   1  52:E2:4D:0A:A6:36  Pctf wifi challenge       WPA (1 handshake)

Choosing first network as target.

Opening savedcap.capase wait...
Read 888 packets.

1 potential targets

                              Aircrack-ng 1.5.2

      [00:00:00] 6120/7120714 keys tested (9665.44 k/s)

      Time left: 12 minutes, 16 seconds                          0.09%

                           KEY FOUND! [ qazwsxedc ]

      Master Key     : 80 BE 3E 9E C4 BC 60 8C ED E6 40 BD DF 70 FE E1
                       9F 3D BA 29 A1 C9 E4 C3 EC C2 A3 8B 84 1A AC 2B

      Transient Key  : E7 E7 14 2D 60 C9 EE 49 BC C1 04 19 48 30 4B 4C
                       40 B9 66 D4 BC 1E BD 12 CD 77 0E 20 7B 78 35 28
                       7F 54 8B 44 3A E3 72 EB 5E 46 AC CE 2B 28 1F C8
                       1E F1 53 B0 3F C4 A1 D4 32 AB 38 83 9A E7 9B 03

      EAPOL HMAC     : 4B 42 21 CA DD 22 82 EE 83 2A AA 6E 1B 05 29 5E

