Learning about aircrack.
The pcap consists of 888 packets using protocol 802.11
, noticing Key
, Acknowledgement
and Authentication
packets (and given the title of this challenge), we decide to run it through aircrack
needs to be given a word list and rockyou.txt
is a great candidate. Indeed, rockyou.txt
is a popular compilation of leaked passwords.
$ aircrack-ng -w rockyou.txt savedcap.cap
Opening savedcap.capase wait...
Read 888 packets.
# BSSID ESSID Encryption
1 52:E2:4D:0A:A6:36 Pctf wifi challenge WPA (1 handshake)
Choosing first network as target.
Opening savedcap.capase wait...
Read 888 packets.
1 potential targets
Aircrack-ng 1.5.2
[00:00:00] 6120/7120714 keys tested (9665.44 k/s)
Time left: 12 minutes, 16 seconds 0.09%
KEY FOUND! [ qazwsxedc ]
Master Key : 80 BE 3E 9E C4 BC 60 8C ED E6 40 BD DF 70 FE E1
9F 3D BA 29 A1 C9 E4 C3 EC C2 A3 8B 84 1A AC 2B
Transient Key : E7 E7 14 2D 60 C9 EE 49 BC C1 04 19 48 30 4B 4C
40 B9 66 D4 BC 1E BD 12 CD 77 0E 20 7B 78 35 28
7F 54 8B 44 3A E3 72 EB 5E 46 AC CE 2B 28 1F C8
1E F1 53 B0 3F C4 A1 D4 32 AB 38 83 9A E7 9B 03
EAPOL HMAC : 4B 42 21 CA DD 22 82 EE 83 2A AA 6E 1B 05 29 5E