In this challenge, we need to have a look at a suspicious .docm
Opening it with Word, we notice that this file contains macros and Word warns us that it is unsafe.
The tool
One of the best tools to use when dealing with Office documents is oledump.
We can use it to extract the macro’s source code:
$ python3 ../Congratulations.docm
A: word/vbaProject.bin
A1: 419 'PROJECT'
A2: 71 'PROJECTwm'
A3: M 4527 'VBA/NewMacros'
A4: m 938 'VBA/ThisDocument'
A6: 570 'VBA/dir'
We can extract NewMacros
using the -v
flag for VBA decompression and -s 3
to specify that we are selecting the third item (NewMacros
$ python3 ../Congratulations.docm -v -s 3
Here is the result:
Attribute VB_Name = "NewMacros"
Dim x51 As String
Dim x49 As String
x51 = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
Dim x50 As Integer
Dim x47 As Double
For x50 = 1 To 100
x47 = Sqr(x50) * 2 + 5 / x50
Next x50
MsgBox "cYvSGF9cFrrEmfYFW8Yo", vbInformation, "aThg"
x49 = [char]0x50 + [char]0x43 + [char]0x54 + [char]0x46 + [char]0x7B + [char]0x33 + [char]0x6E + [char]0x34 + [char]0x62 + [char]0x6C + [char]0x33 + [char]0x5F + [char]0x6D + [char]0x34 + [char]0x63 + [char]0x72 + [char]0x30 + [char]0x35 + [char]0x5F + [char]0x70 + [char]0x6C + [char]0x7A + [char]0x5F + [char]0x32 + [char]0x37 + [char]0x33 + [char]0x31 + [char]0x35 + [char]0x36 + [char]0x37 + [char]0x30 + [char]0x7D
Shell x51 & " " & x49, vbNormalFocus
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
MsgBox "sgTdrn8Np2Kpfnmr9y57" & x49, vbInformation, "foSds"
Dim x45(1 To 10) As Integer
Dim x46 As Integer
For x50 = 1 To 10
x46 = Int((100 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
x45(x50) = x46
Next x50
Dim x52 As Integer
Dim x53 As Integer
For x50 = 1 To 9
For x53 = x50 + 1 To 10
If x45(x50) > x45(x53) Then
x52 = x45(x50)
x45(x50) = x45(x53)
x45(x53) = x52
End If
Next x53
Next x50
Dim x54 As String
For x50 = 1 To 10
x54 = x54 & x45(x50) & ", "
Next x50
MsgBox "phNuYUNwdHHCJdVL4hJd" & Left(x54, Len(x54) - 2), vbInformation, "LOEC"
Dim x55 As Worksheet
Set x55 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
x55.Name = "TtrZ4"
Dim x56 As ChartObject
Set x56 = x55.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=10, Top:=10, Width:=300, Height:=200)
Dim x57 As Range
Set x57 = x55.Range("A1:B5")
x57.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 100)
x56.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=x57
x56.Chart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
Exit Sub
MsgBox "hWgjD9NKf7UqXdAq0GBb", vbCritical, "uv9b"
End Sub
We can decode the x49
string by simply running it’s value in PowerShell:
[char]0x50 + [char]0x43 + [char]0x54 + [char]0x46 + [char]0x7B + [char]0x33 + [char]0x6E + [char]0x34 + [char]0x62 + [char]0x6C + [char]0x33 + [char]0x5F + [char]0x6D + [char]0x34 + [char]0x63 + [char]0x72 + [char]0x30 + [char]0x35 + [char]0x5F + [char]0x70 + [char]0x6C + [char]0x7A + [char]0x5F + [char]0x32 + [char]0x37 + [char]0x33 + [char]0x31 + [char]0x35 + [char]0x36 + [char]0x37 + [char]0x30 + [char]0x7D
We find: